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About UKnetrunner

Uknetrunner Agm 2004
UKnetrunner is a Running Club affiliated to England Athletics since 1st April 2007 (and was formerly affiliated to Midland Counties Athletic Association since the club's launch in April 2003). By operating as an online running club, your clubmates are available all day, every day and our discussion forum plays a big part of this. Although UKnetrunner is an internet based club we still operate like any other Running Club - with full Committee, Constitution, Audited Accounts, AGM and Club Kit. We also have club competitions (the Grand Prix and Handicap Events) and regularly meet up at events all over the country. There is no pressure to take parts in events and you are free to get as involved in club life as you wish. We welcome runners of all abilities and feel we offer a unique environment where all club members mix and share ideas. We want you to enjoy your running, whatever your motives for taking up the sport. By being affiliated to England Athletics, our members receive reduced entry fees in most UK races. UKnetrunner also receives places in the London Marathon based upon the number of members in the club. A draw is held each year for members whose own entries to the London Marathon have been rejected.

Our Club Constitution provides the framework underwhich the club operates. You can view the consitution here.
DATA PROTECTION: UKnetrunner only requires basic information from new & existing club members - some of which is required to be passed to England Athletics for registration purposes. UKnetrunner will only pass your information to England Athletics with your permission, and your details will not be passed on to any other organisation or person without your permission. Your personal information will be held securely by the club secretary.